Friday, 31 August 2012

More pain: captchas

Captchas are those things where you have to decipher some illegible text and type it in. They are a pain and I'm sure most people wonder why on earth they are there. The answer is, as usual, well known to the tech community but a mystery to normal folks. It is to solve what is essentially vandalism - preventing spam robots flooding systems with junk.

Of course the vandals are finding their way round captchas through the use of better image recognition technology, hence the increasingly illegible text, and by the use of minimum-wage humans somewhere in a cold warehouse deciphering the damn things all day.

Despite that captchas are still quite effective which is why they appear on almost all major sites. They have one huge advantage: there is no need for prior information about you. They are a guard that can precede registration or fit nicely into a casual process such as commenting.

Ever tried logging into Facebook from a new or recently-cleaned computer? It feels like you're challenged by the triple heads of kerberos: password, captcha, then the ultimate test: identifying people in your and your friends photos. A brilliant mechanism but it relies on having access to names and faces ruling it out for the vast majority of systems.

Secret questions are good too, as long as you know what they are. One e-commerce site I used once and wanted to use again challenged me to to give it my secret answer - without telling me the secret question. And of course I have no idea which of a range of questions I used!

Sadly we are faced with a need for something like captchas to protect against the invading spamming hordes and that's going to be a pain for the foreseeable future. Blending of mobile with web potentially gives systems the ability to validate identity on the other channel, but that requires disclosure of information and doesn't work on mobile alone. Identity management is an interesting area and one with a lot of scope for growth, especially in the consumer space.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Password pain

Continuing from yesterday's security there, I'm going to pick up on two real pain points: passwords today and captchas tomorrow. Workers in IT will have literally hundreds of them to use on everything from wifi access points to secure rooms containing building security back office machines. There's no way they can store them all hence the rise in apps that help store passwords hopefully securely. Prior to that people wrote them down or kept them in text files.

A long time ago when working on steam-driven machines we had to use double, 16-character automatically generated passwords that changed every two weeks, usually on five to ten dev and test systems. (It was a hardware company, we had lots and lots of toys.) The only way was to keep them stored somewhere and the most common solution was the equivalent of Notepad and then copy/past them into the remote logins. Hopefully nowadays people in equivalent positions use KeePass.

Normal people, on the other hand, probably don't know about such tools or, more importantly, realise they need them. I doubt we've moved much forward from the scene in 1983's WarGames where the school secretary keeps a list of passwords in her desk drawer.

While normal users are probably aware that they should not use obvious passwords and all the rest, they probably don't know why. Probably just as well if they did they would probably avoid the services.

On the other hand maybe they should know. I registered on a well-known ERP vendor's website to access some reports yesterday - it asked for a 6 to 8 letter password, letters and numerals only. And you want people to spend millions on big backends based on clearly a VARCHAR(8) password store?

But my least favourite of all these systems are the partial passwords used by financial companies, most notably as part of the 3-D Secure from Visa and MasterCard. These ask for different letters of your password, usually giving away the length of the password at the same time: please enter the third, fiftth and tenth letter of your password. I defy anyone with a decent password to be able to do that without writing it down first, blowing away the shoulder surfing risk reduction. Meaning that your password is now available to snoopers at both the consumer end and the backend where it can only be stored in cleartext to allow a check of that nature. And that means it is only as secure as the vetting process on the database engineering team.

The only glimmer of hope in this arena is the growing use of Facebook, Twitter, Google and others as means of logging people in without the need for the entry of passwords. Facebook offers really good authentication due to its vast collection of photos that it will require you to identify. Google offers two-factor authentication with mobile which is inconvenient but reasonably secure. While Twitter hasn't quite reached those levels yet; at least there don't seem to be any exploits.

Sounds mad that a social media platform is more secure than the banks, but there you have it. Perhaps your internet banking service should authenticate with Facebook. Stranger things have happened.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Security and the common man

A friend of mine posted a link to this article today: The Importance of Security Engineering. It's an interesting appeal for the creation of a more formal approach to security, even the creation of a proper security profession, although the author isn't quite clear how about the right way to achieve that. His point wasn't really that - it's just that most people don't understand security - probably security of anything, but especially information systems. We know this to be true since most people don't understand the basic elements of the systems let alone the security aspects.

Security is generally about complexity and constraints, being represented as encryption and policies in IT. Unfortunately people don't like either of these things and therefore try and do without them for as long as possible: let's face it, security is a hassle. But not having any will be even worse as it will end in disaster, either falling foul of some exploit or, possibly worse, the law. Increasingly credit card issuers are doing their best to push responsibility back on users and governments are regulating access and management of user data. Protection is needed as an individual and a corporation.

Complexity has been at the root of locks since they were first invented, trying to keep one step ahead of the pickers. However locks have a second, almost magical effect: they imply security without necessarily actually offering it. A massive lock on the back of a castle door didn't just make it more difficult to open, it made the owner feel better protected and probably put off the softer marauders. A modern-day example of this is the pathetic little things that luggage manufacturers insist on providing with their products. One slight tug and they break, but they provide a degree of comfort to the owner. A lock symbol provides a sense of comfort to users, but sadly nothing to deter attackers who are likely to be a long way away.

Policies are all about doing things properly and protecting sensitive assets, the electronic equivalent of not leaving your wallet on a café table or making sure that documents are safely locked up. The mathematical complexity of encryption has nothing on the nefarious complexity of assessing potential exploits and both are definitely in the realm of specialists. Most policies are like airport security theatre and only protect against threats that have already been tried. Serious protection comes from thinking like a black hat and exploring each and every avenue from which your systems could be attacked.

There are specialists who will do this for you, but even they haven't always thought through all the myriad ways that mobiles can be added to the mix. Nobody has. So we have to attempt to instill in users a sense of precaution, even an element of fear, to ensure that mobile end points are at least handled properly. We're just at the beginning of this process and there's a lot of FUD, especially from vendors with weak solutions to nebulous problems. You should be assessing how you are protected, whether a consumer or an enterprise mobility manager; a little investment will give a big return.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

The surprise jealousy of BYOD

When IT dishes out the same low-spec, end-of-life device, be it phone, laptop or desktop, to everyone there is little scope for jealousy. That's one of the advantages of uniform, as well known by schools in particular.

Move to a model where each can provide their own device. What happens to people who may need a top-end model for work, but can't afford one? Especially when senior management, who can afford the latest toys, are provided with phones that they don't use or understand.

This is the jealousy conundrum of allowing free use of personal consumer devices at work. And your mobile policy had better address it, starting with needs analysis.

This is particularly useful when it comes to tablets, where nobody really needs one yet but it might make a useful addition to the fleet of toys. A good way to smoke this out is to ask whether someone is willing to give up their laptop in exchange for a tablet. Most of them will suddenly reconsider how important it would be to them.

I've found a matrix mapping tasks to needs to devices is incredibly helpful. You can use this to define the priorities for each device. Adding whether the task touches sensitive data, if relevant, and you have the beginnings of a simple risk assessment table too.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Not over yet

There has been an impressive amount of thoughtful writing over the weekend about the on-going Apple-Samsung patent trials. I haven't seen too many fanboys crowing about it, but that might just be that I've not read the places where they write. And in any case it would be far too early for them to claim that iThis and iThat have conquered all.

Last week we saw both a Solomon-like judgement in South Korea where some phones both Apple and Samsung were banned for infringing each others IP, followed by a curiously one-sided result from the US.

I don't have any doubts that in the early stages of developing their amazing Galaxy line Samsung did indeed copy the lumpen iOS interface. I remember avoiding certain Samsung phones precisely because they did look like iPhones, however the things that are being quoted as being copied clearly have prior art, and that's disturbing.

At least the jury ruled that consumers could tell Galaxy tablets and iPads apart. A small element of common sense in the noise, especially when there are tablets on the market that really are physical copies of the iPad design down to the logo on the back.

What's also interesting is that it would seem that the jury didn't follow the judges instructions properly, and that alone is cause for an appeal if not a retrial. One of them has been quoted as saying he wanted to punish Samsung - not a very balanced sounding comment and demonstrates how the trial, inevitably, turned into a circus.

Apple's blind rage against Android and actual belief could lead it into unexpected trouble. One is that the result has apparently worked as an endorsement of Samsung devices: just as good but much cheaper, seems to be the message. The other one is that, having provisionally established that a rectangle with curved edges can be claimed by one company, that same stick can be used to beat Apple. And the recent Motorola claims are now reinforced.

The real winners are, of course, the lawyers, and the losers are consumers who will probably have to pay more for phones and tablets. More importantly, small companies with good ideas are also losers asit seems them have no protection under the current US patent regime.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Camera+Cloud = Long-term security risk

While it is now clear to the whole world that what happens in Vegas no longer stays in Vegas, the problem of rapid and often automatic uploading of images is something that needs concern everyone. Phone cameras have long been of concern to security officers but attempts to ban them in the workplace have largely failed outside of military or heavily regulated premises. While holding images of work documents and information on the phone was bad enough, but now many people with smartphones will have some automatic cloud upload enabled.

I've used phone, tablet and real cameras extensively for years to record white boards, and recently there has usually been a crowd of people doing the same. Save taking notes and provides an undebatable, ambiguous record of at least what was written down. It means that whiteboards can be wiped down immediately which seems like a good, secure thing to do.

Having those images immediately available on the laptop is handy too - it means that you can type them up easily, email them to colleagues or upload them to project tools like Huddle, IdeaPlane or Chatter. Or accidentally upload them to Facebook along with little Suzy's birthday party pictures.

And once on the cloud - whether public or private - they stay there. Until recently Apple's iPhoto Stream did not even allow deletion of images. DropBox automatically uploads images, as do other similar services. Android has Instant Upload for Google+. So a typical personal iPhone with access to a personal DropBox, work-related Egnyte, and a configured Photo Stream could end up with at least three copies of the photo. At least because each of those services will diligently copy the file to each and every device on which it is configured: laptop, desktop, tablet.

Apple's Photo Stream is a particular issues here as deleting a copy from one device does not remove it from the others in the same way the file-sharing systems work. A user with an iPhone, iPad and Macintosh will have to delete the same image three times making it easy to leave some alone. Android's Instant Upload is a little easier in that it only creates an on-line copy but again this will not be removed when the handset copy is deleted.

Unlike the Minox-totting secret agent most staff will be blissfully unaware of this, but consider disgruntled employees coming across a forgotten shot on a confidential whiteboard on their own iPad having returned a work iPhone. Lots of potential for trouble.

Since the BYOD cat is out of the bag in many companies, certainly for senior staff who can afford smartphones, it is now clear if prevention is possible. Reminders, education, policy and contractual protections all help until better management tools arrive.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Mobile security risks: carelessness

There are a lot of scary reports about mobile security risks, usually promoted by companies offering solutions to the alleged problems. Most FUD is targeted at Android because it allows apps more freedom. However most people ignore the most obvious risk: owner carelessness.

The biggest risk for any mobile device - phone, tablet or laptop - is loss or theft. And while theft is a large risk, simple carelessness is the biggest one. When we were working on mobile betting apps the biggest risk we identified was simply leaving the phone on a table in a bar while going to the toilet and friends larking about it with it.

While a number of solutions have been envisaged to stop you losing a phone, the simplest approach is to ensure that it itself is protected with a password or pin and a timeout. You may still lose the phone, but at least people can't get into it.

From an enterprise point of view it is possible to enforce security for email protocols (Microsoft Exchange does this, for example), but it is equally important for consumers. Do you really want someone picking up your phone having access to your Facebook and email?

So far I've never lost my phone - although I've had the occasional panic - but I was convinced of the need for protection a couple of years ago as the amount of information invested in my device rose above a certain threshold. I use a seven digit security code which is quick and easy to type, certainly much easier than having to re-enter passwords in each app. This is one of the basic anti-carelessness protections I've written into IT mobility policies, especially for BYOD, and recommend to everyone.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Zombie Mobiles

We're all very quick to talk about RIM disappearing, Symbian vanishing, the end of Windows Mobile, although all of these systems have made huge contributions to where we are now. In the industry we're always clamouring for new toys and usually enjoy upgrading.

But outside in the real world most people don't know what kind of phone they have, nor do they care. And for many people changing or upgrading brings fear and uncertainty to the point they would rather leave well alone and stick with it. Given that many of these devices are rather well made they can stick around for some time. Welcome to the Zombie Operating Systems that Refuse to Die.

In the world of computers this is a well known, although little discussed problem. There are people still running their businesses on Windows 95 out there storing their data on Zip drives. Some large companies still refuse to upgrade from Windows XP. There are probably people still running industrial processes with PDP-11s.

While the users of these systems are perfectly happy (at least until things break when panicked searches of eBay start), they create issues for software vendors and employers who are considering encouraging staff to use their own devices, or BYOD as it's known.

There are only two possible responses: make a huge effort to support everything with a gracefully degrading mobile internet site for those with older devices, or just tell everyone to get with the program and get something decent. I strongly favour the latter, accompanied by a recommendation and even purchase program. But you may have to go down the former route if, for example, the chairman cherishes his ancient golden Nokia 8800 too much to let it go.

This is, of course, only one of the BYOD issues. The consumer mobile app world has already voted with its revenues and moved to newer grounds. Enterprise providers may not have that option, as a key customer demands back support. More on other challenges later in the week.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Patents 2.0

Imagine looking up patents this way?
Google has now spoken out about how software patents are unhelpful and the tech press is buzzing about the futility of it all. Perhaps it's time for us all to think about how to actually improve the process and provide a new framework - Patent 2.0 to use a slightly out of fashion style of name.

Before launching into that I think it's worth reminding people that until recently software could not be patented. Indeed many patent offices still do not accept software patents. The reason being that there had to be a system, production method or device being protected, not a business method or process.

It is also worth looking to two other sources of ideas. The first is the academic review process where research only counts if it has been peer reviewed and published. The ease with which people can publish material on the web has perhaps pushed that a little of sight, but the concepts are still very valid. A little bit of effort should be required before claims can be asserted. Otherwise we descend directly into politics, which is what is effectively happening in the Apple vs Samsung vs Microsoft vs Motorola vs Nokia battles.

The other is the Open Source movement, where anybody can post any piece of code they have knocked up, but only the good ones are propagated as the community will not adopt anything else.

These are both very similar - the only real difference is that the academic process is formalised and anointed by professional bodies like the IEEE and professorial status.

So how can we get Patent 2.0 working? First of all the convoluted existing system is way too complex to fix overnight. And it probably works fine for other industries - I have no idea if there are a group of pharmaceutical engineers having a similar debate - so perhaps we just need to revert to the original status of not permitted software.

Next step is to make a new, global registration service for soft concepts: software, design and perhaps other things that may come into play like music and sounds although they may be adequately covered by copyright.

This global service would be peer reviewed to ensure that prior art and really obvious stuff isn't accepted. Of course this needs some definitions. What's obvious to you and me might be rocket science to someone else so we need some objective definitions. Here are some criteria that I think help define obvious:

  • Moving something (action, method, system) from one domain to another. As example, watching a video on a portable device is not an innovation from watching it on a static device.
  • Incremental changes to something else that make no new contribution. As example Apple's lawyers claiming that rotating pinch zoom by 45º makes it new.
  • Something that is really well known and taught in basic CS class, for example doubly-linked lists. (Thanks to Crawford Currie for the link.)
  • Claims are challenged at point of registry by the peers, not "lazy evaluated" at the litigation stage, which is the current process, eliminating the vast majority of the basics.
I've been trying to come up with some kind of minimum intellectual value concept but so far not found one. Besides which I tend to feel that market competition will determine which one wins and that's probably better anyway. In a non-commercial framework this seems to work well, with many open source packages offering the same facilities but some becoming industry standards due to their quality while others fade away.

What else could we add to Patent 2.0 to make it work better than the present system?

Monday, 20 August 2012

Avoiding the negative spiral

So now Google Motorola Mobility join the patent litigation frenzy. They hadn't really been left much choice by the aggressive tactics of certain other players who think that there is a huge amount of legal fees innovation in a gesture being rotated by 45º.  Even the usual fanboi trolls on techcrunch kept quiet about that.

So just as Seth Godin is talking his usual good sense about avoiding the race to the bottom we see exactly that happening to the protection of intellectual property.

For those who have no experience of dealing with patents, the process is very long and very expensive. In order to have effective protection you need to cover at the very least in Europe and the US as well as any market in which your product can be expected to make an impact.

While some patent offices will rely on other ones for approval, each one still requires separate applications and usual local agents. But that's assuming you get as far as having some kind of acceptable filing - and that's likely to take years and many thousands of £/$/€.

You also have to go through an interminable and disconnected process of review against prior art which includes huge numbers of patent applications to which you have no access at the time of submission. And many of these are astoundingly broad and often meaningless. And the broader and more meaningless they are you can be sure that the authors are from larger corporations. Unlike startups where filing patents is an investor-driven distraction, these companies have whole departments of lawyers who are paid to argue with the examiners about minutiae which your or I would ignore as being absolutely obvious. Read some existing patents alongside the examiner's response to your own work and you'll wonder whether there are two sets of standards being applied: one for big companies and one for the rest of us.

Clearly this is not right. We need to change the whole way intelectual property is protected, streamlined for an efficient workflow, accessible to everyone, and with a minimum level of genuine originality.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Patent nonsense

Scan by Bart Solenthaler
I've written six software patent applications and read hundreds more. Generally they are difficult to understand, generic, and written in an arcane jargon that borders on steampunk in its delight of Victorian language. While it might work for mechanical systems and processes, I would argue, is not a good way to describe algorithms or software concepts.

Not that the real subject of this piece is about anything as complex as that. It's been well summed up as being about rectangles. I am referring, of course, to the Apple vs Samsung patents case.

Anybody with even a basic knowledge of computer history will know that Apple basically borrowed the whole Macintosh look and feel from Xerox PARC research. And then claimed they invented it and tried to prevent anybody else from using it. Unsuccessfully, thankfully.

Now the battle is over the rather boring square shape of phones and tablets, as well as some simple but powerful software concepts around touch screen usage. It would seem that a surprising number of people think Apple invented the touch screen phone, which is not true. The first one we had as a test device was the Sony Ericsson P800, which was launched in 2002 and had such obvious things are tapping numbers and emails to activate them.  The keyboard folded down to expose a much larger screen, or could be completely removed for those who had escaped candybar land.

My experience of the US Patent Office in particular was that even complex and genuinely original algorithmic concepts came back with an examiner's comment to the effect that it was obvious. So how come Apple's attorneys can get really obvious stuff, like making a tablet, well, rectangular accepted as a patent? This is what I don't understand. Nor can I understand some academics supporting claims of obvious things like one-figure scrolling with the P800 had in its browser years before Apple even made phones.

But the real concern is the impact on free thought, innovation and progress. Not to mention intellectual honesty and a desire to push the industry forwards.

I think it's time for Patent 2.0, but that's the subject of another post.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Start, stop, smooth

I've just come back from holiday where I was driving a rental Peugeot 308 Eco which had an interesting feature: it automatically cuts the engine when it isn't in use. At traffic lights or junctions the engine simple turns off. At first I thought there was a problem with the car and turned the ignition key to start it again, but after a couple of tries I discovered that it started itself instantly when I pushed in the clutch and engaged a gear.

Timing was essential and for the first couple of days the car and I didn't quite synchronise, resulting in it beeping plaintively at me to push the clutch back in and let the engine start. Once this little dance had been worked out between us it was much smoother than I had expected.

Smoothness is absolutely essential in user interface design and all too many people rushing into the mobile and web app space don't seem to understand this. While Peugeot's engineering team probably didn't think in terms of user experience, they knew that if the eco mode on/off function wasn't blended into normal driving nobody would use it no matter how much fuel it saved.

Another example from the world of cars it the Toyota Prius, which shifts from battery to petrol engine without the driver being aware of the change. Without the animated dashboard display the occupants of the car would be completely unaware of what was powering the vehicle as it is incredibly smooth.

UX designers should reflect on this. Perhaps they are used to using delay-free, lossless local connections. Perhaps they only work on pretty Photoshop comps and don't think about the actual interaction. Whatever it is, it's a pain and will hold up adoption by normal folks.

At a design level, think dynamic from day one and ensure that delays are packed together in natural points. From an engineering point of view, pipeline data downloads while users are reading the last so that their next move is instant. You can almost always predict the most likely action, if they do something other than the obvious next step then they'll expect a delay. Delays break focus and are likely to cause people to click away or sigh and fire up another app that is more responsive.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Fruits of machine vision

Visual search is often touted as being a way to get consumers to research products online while in a store. Moral issues aside, this has never appealed much to me as a model as I reckon that the immediate gratification outweighs any price benefit. However I've now seen a different use of visual product recognition that was stunningly good.

While buying holiday supplies in Carrefour TNL in Nice, I was rather surprised to find that there were no queues at the fuit and veg scales. For those unfamiliar with the process, you have to weigh the produce yourself before heading for the checkouts. Normally this involves a lengthly hunt through the user interface for whatever you were buying, leading to lines building up.

First thing I weighted were green beans - boom, no sooner had I put the bag of beans on the scales than the display offered me green beans as first choice! Next was a bag of flat peaches - again, that was the first choice offered.

Curiosity raised, I looked underneath the screen, and sure enough there is a camera focussed on the scale pan. Clearly there is some very nice software behind the camera as recognising flat peaches through a translucent plastic bag is impressive.

But my next purchase foxed it. The system was unable to identify six Royal Gala apples. Not surprising since they could have been one of several red apple variants all about the same EU-regulated size, but shows there is some way to go. I was taken back to the default menu to hunt through several screens of different types of fruit.

Despite that limitation, I am still deeply impressed by the practicality of the system and the smartness of recognising odd-shaped items through a translucent material. From a retail perspective it is a big step forward towards the holy grail of increasing throughput.